Making music is one of the most fun and rewarding activities that people of all ages can enjoy. Learning how to play an instrument can be just as fun, not to mention tremendous benefits it has on the mind, body, and soul!

Whether teaching Classical, Rock, or Pop focusing on developing solid fundamentals will empower students to progress in their studies without any hindrance. This includes proper technique, reading simple notes/rhythm, becoming familiar with a basic music theory, and of course developing a great ear. This might sound intimidating at first but it’s easier than you think! All you need is a little guidance, dedication, and inspiration.

After many years of teaching, I have enough experience to know that, just as there are no two students alike, there are no two ways of teaching. We will decide together on what is appropriate for you based on your interests, goals, and gifts.

My main goal as a teacher is to pass the love of music and learning new things to all my students!

Get in touch.